The Ginger Lynn Fan Perspective

As I was about to leave the store after my second or third guitar lesson I ran into (literally) Rick Nielson near the front counter. My heart beat fast, and I found it hard to breath. I apologized to Rick for bumping into him and then asked him to please autograph my guitar. He looked down at me and arrogantly said, “What do you want me to sign it with, my finger?” Then, he simply walked away. Again, I thought to myself when I became famous I would treat people the way I wanted to be treated — nicely.

To this day I don’t think I’ve ever met a fan I wasn’t nice to. We’ve all heard of the Golden Rule, and we lived by that in my family. My father taught me to treat people the way that I wanted to be treated, and to this day, I do.

ginger with fansginger with fansginger with fansginger with fans

I always wonder about the fundamental brain-gap that some famous people have. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that none of us would be anywhere without fans. They quite literally pay our salaries. They disappear. We disappear. It’s simple.

So to those celebrities that aren’t so nice, Shame on you!

And to the Ginger Lynn Fan out there …

I love my fans, and I always will. Thank you for appreciating what I do.

ginger with danny glover


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  1. Ginger I loved the comment or blog you made about your 1st public apperance Its really blows my mind all this years later the stars of the ” classic porn ” era are as popular today as when you were making those movies.Surfing thru the many social media sites you now have you look as beautiful as you did ” back in the day ” Being an oldie now its great to see all this Peace & Love Ralph

  2. Nice entry…..I worked in the music business for 10 years and a writer who has interviewed well known folks. I always gave what I received,if a artist was kind,so was I. If they were a asshole,I stayed professional…unless they were rude to a staff member. If that happened,then I wasn’t the nicest person to deal with.
    Treating folks with respect is always the way to go.

  3. Ginger…. I’m 55 yrs old. And I remember your movies like it was yesterday. You and I are both from Illinois.. I’m from Evanston . And you are right. Something about our Midwestern up bringing. We are nice to everyone!!! I just wanted to say … Ginger I just love you!!

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