I was horny. Maybe hornier than I’d ever been before. My personal sex life was at an all-time low, and I needed to be satisfied. Everything seemed to turn me on. I fantasized about having sex with every person I had contact with. I masturbated ten plus times a day. Hell, I even got creative with vegetables and kitchen gadgets. Something had to be done. That’s what prompted me to make my porn comeback — after thirteen years since my previous adult movie. It was 1999. It was a decision that just seemed right. I felt good, I looked good, and I knew that the only way to satisfy my lust was to satisfy my fantasies, and the only place I could do that (safely) was back home with my porn people.
I approached the three biggest adult film companies at the time, Vivid, Wicked, and VCA. I told them I was ready, willing and able. When told my asking price Vivid said to come back after I got offers from the other companies. I thought that maybe since I was the girl who put Vivid on the map there would still be warm and fuzzies. I was wrong. I approached the owner of Wicked who told me he would never pay anyone more than he had paid Jenna Jameson. I was ready and willing, but not willing to settle for less.
Finally, I set up a meeting with my old friend Russ Hampshire, owner of VCA, and actually somewhat to my surprise, I knew the moment I walked into the offices I was home.
Russ was doing big budget, high quality films, and that’s what I wanted to do. Russ was kind, respectful and fair. We talked. We reminisced. We laughed, and then we came to a deal. Russ also threw in a bonus: He let me have Jane Hamilton (Veronica Hart) as my first director. I’d fallen in love with Janey when we worked together on a low-budget B movie (with a lot of heart) called Cleo & Leo. Janey brilliantly played a man who was trapped in a woman’s body, and I played her/his love interest. We became instant friends, and now she was going to be directing me in my first adult film in more than a decade.
The next thing I did was to call my longtime friend and lover Beth Ann to help me come up with a story concept and a script. As with many of my earlier projects, I was involved from beginning to end — as it were. This was a big deal to me. I was coming back into an industry that I basically grew up in.
And I was excited. And I was nervous. And I was a little bit scared.
I didn’t have concerns about competing with the new girls, just the opposite, in fact. I was turned on by the thought of having sex with hot new chicks. I was, however, worried about competing with myself from thirteen years ago. Would I still be good at what I loved doing? Would my fans be happy I was back, or would they think I was too old? Would the reality live up to my insistent fantasy?
Torn was not just your best movie ever it is one of the best ever made in my humble opinion only thing to make it better would have been a Ginger Lynn, Christy Canyon, Barbara Dare threesome!!!
I love that you got some use out of the wedding dress; your method sure beats selling it for $25 at a yard sale!
Your great at everything …………. You have such class and intelligence. Either company you choose, will be lucky to have you . You have given so much over the years . Only you could come from this industry and cross over to music and tv with such grace . I still remember the days of danger/danger doing your ginger snaps !!!!! Love You !!!
Thank you Jim! But the story was about my comeback in 1999. Not now. I am most definitely retired now. You can find me behind the camera these days…
I am so glad You Picked VCA.